Friday 23 November 2012

(EXAM) - Film Review.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The Twilight movies are my favourite, they are the movies that I enjoy the most. I'm not quite sure why, I think I like the whole vampire vs. werewolf theme of the movies. Here is just a little review of the third of the Twilight movies 'Eclipse'.

The use of slow motion when the vultory walk emphasises on the danger that is to come from them. It also connotes a sense of power to the vultory. The close ups of Bella and Edwards faces helps us to see their facial expressions clearly which draws the audience closer to them; enabeling them to form an emotional bond with them.
This is the training scene where the vampires and the wolves have come together to prtoect Bella and they are training to fight against the newborn army. I personally love this scene because of the editing techniques used in this scene. The use of slow motion and ramping enhances the powers of the vampires and makes their actions look real. This scene is also seems to be a form of montage as there is music in the background and it is showing a progression in time, with the vampires and wolves getting stronger as they all learn more.

This is the scene where Rosalie tells her story about how she was turned into a vampire. Flashback was used here to obviously show a reversal in time and in this case costume is also used to emphasise the past. we can see that in the flashback the characters are all wearing old fashioned clothing.

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