Tuesday 7 May 2013

(Coursework) (Idea 2) Main Task: Evaluation

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Horror movies usually have low key lighting, spooky music and scary-looking characters. However, we have chosen to challenege these conventions. We decided not to use low key lighting inside the house as it connotes a sense of safety in the house, eventhough she is by herself. However, we did wait until it was dark before we started shooting in order to create quite a dark and dangerous atmosphere. We have used some spooky music towards the end of the opening but we chose to subvert the genre by playing an upbeat song alongside creepy, disturbing shots. We didn't use the typical scary-looking characters, we chose to again, subvert the genre and use more realistic characters, as we found (through our research) that characters that reflect or have the potential to be real people are the ones that they find the most scary. We used costume as opposed to masks and special effects to portray our characters.

Question 2: How does your product represent particular social groups?

Question 3: Who would be the audience for your media product?
- Our ideal target audience would be teens aged 16 and over as they are the age group we were representing in our film through our main character. Our film could raise awareness to teenagers about publicising their personal information online without thinking. We feel that our film is targetted at a niche market simply because its a horror movie with a twist to it. We found out through research that 30% of our interviews stated that they did not like horror movies. I believe our film could appeal to 'The Explorer' as we subvert the genre through our sound and the exoplorer is always looking for new experiences. I also think that our film would be enjoyed by the 'Mainstream' audience aswell as our film is realistic and it raises awareness of the dangers of careless internet use. The 'Mainstream' audience is quite family orientated, therefore our film would appeal to them as it supports their view on the dangers of the internet. I wouldn't expect 'The Struggler' wouldn't be interested in to be interested in our film as they usually watch movies to escape from the reality of their lives and our film is rather realistic which is not what they are looking for. 'The Retired' would not be interested in our film simply because they are not within the age range of our target audience. They may ind it hard to understand the concept and the technology used in our film as they would be more familiar with old fashioned/traditional appliances.

Question 4: How did you attract/address your audience?

All in all, we have attracted our audience (teens+) by addressing the key issues of teenage lives. We have included props that our target audience would be extremely familiar with and created a character who has many chararcteristics that teenagers would be able to relate to. The fact that we have a lot of technology such as the iPad, iPhone, Instagram, shows that we have really thought about our audience and what would appeal to them. 
Question 5: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

New Line Cinema of Warner Bros would be a suitable production company for our film as they have been very successful with the Final Destination sequels which have a similar concept to our film. They are also a major film production company so they will be able to spend more money on producing the movie, possibly being able to get well-known/hollywood actors to star in our film. However, an independent production company such as Film4 could be another suitable choice as they are more successful in creating realistic films. Considering we have chosen to create a more realistic horror, Film4 would be  more likely to produce our film as they would be able to execute the film in the way we want it to. Our film also has quite a british feel to it, especially in the way the characters speak to each other, through text. American english is very different to British english and it is clear to see that the characters are British through the way they phrase their sentences.

Question 6:

Question 7:

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